ICAR Foundation is happy to announce the launching of the project „Contribution to the integration of third country nationals (TCNs) with legal stay in Romania through healthcare services”, ref. no IF/12.02-02.02.
The project is funded by the General Program “Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows” of the European Union, managed in Romania by the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the Schengen Directorate as Responsible Authority and the General Inspectorate for Immigration as Contracting Authority.
The project will be implemented by ICAR Foundation through its multidisciplinary team (medical doctors, nurses, psychologists, intercultural mediators) for a period of nine months, between October 2013 and June 2014.
The general objective of the project is to promote the values of an open and democratic society by contributing to the integration of third country nationals (TCN) with legal stay in Romania to the common benefit of migrants and Romanian society.
The target group of the project is represented by foreigners from countries outside the European Union with legal stay in Romania, especially those from Bucharest-Ilfov – the region with the highest density of migrants in Romania. The project targets first of all the vulnerable persons among the immigrants, such as: unemployed, persons without income/ with low income or low standard of living, single parent families, children and youth, persons who suffered traumas or physical and psychological violence, other persons in difficulty or at risk.
The main activities of the project consist of a module of comprehensive medical services and a module of psychological care for legal immigrants in Romania. The general and specialised medical services in the integrated package include consultations, treatments and medical investigations, healthcare education and prophylaxis. Individual and group psychological counselling and psychotherapy are offered as well.
The project also aims to develop a professional platform where Romanian and migrant doctors can meet and discuss ideas and solutions for improvement of services for legal migrants in Romania.
For additional information: Iuliana Florea, Project Coordinator, ICAR Foundation, tel. 0770 951 697, iuliana@icarfoundation.ro
ICAR Foundation is a non-governmental organization that for over 20 years has been providing specialized assistance (medical, psychological, social, legal) for vulnerable persons, Romanian nationals or foreigners (asylum seekers, refugees, migrants). ICAR Foundation’s multidisciplinary team comprises specialists with extensive training and experience in working with traumatized persons, in offering culturally adapted services to both adults and children.