20-21 October, Bucharest: 3rd Expert Meeting of METS project

21-21 October 2016: ICAR Foundation hosted a 2-day meeting of the Third Expert Meeting within the project “A Method for the Empowerment of Torture Survivors” (HOME/2015/PAVT/AG/8374).

The Humanitarian Affairs Unit of Future Worlds Center, under the leadership of Arq Foundation in the Netherlands and in partnership with 6 European NGOs, contributes in the development of a standard empowerment method to the needs of torture survivors in a variety of EU-countries. The developed method will be piloted in 6 rehabilitation centers in Europe and 150 torture survivors are expected to be benefited during the duration of METS project.

Partners: Future Worlds Center, Arq Foundation, XENION – Psychosocial assistance for the politically persecuted (DE), German Association of Psychosocial Centres for Refugees and Victims of Torture – BAfF e.V (DE), Italian Council for Refugees (IT), Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims Craiova (RO) and ICAR Foundation (RO).

Project objectives:

  • To build the capacity of rehabilitation centers in the European Union,
  • To empower torture survivors and to increase their capacity to integrate in their host country.

Specific objectives:

  • To develop a Standard Empowerment Method to the needs of torture survivors in a variety of EU-countries, that is cost effective and standard yet suitable for different local contexts;
  • To sustainably implement the standard Empowerment Method in 6 rehabilitation centers, consisting of an infrastructure of training & education, management support, peer supervision and attention for vicarious trauma;
  • To disseminate the knowledge and expertise on empowerment focused service delivery to torture survivors, including the Standard Empowerment Method in the European Union and contribute to a existing networks for the exchange of torture related information and best practices;
  • To deliver empowerment focused services to 150 torture survivors.

Profile photo of Roxana Oprea

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