28 November 2016: Final Conference


22nd of November, 2016, Bucharest

ICAR Foundation is organizing the final conference of project “Harmonization in professional development standards in psycho-trauma intervention through Swiss-Romanian cooperation”, co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.

The event will take place on 28th of November, 2016, starting from 9.30, at WeLoveDigital Unirii – Radu Vodă Street No 17, 5th Floor,  Bucharest.

Implemented over a period of two years (January 2015 – January 2017) by ICAR Foundation and Pluriels Association, the project had the following objectives:

  • to increase professional expertise of ICAR specialists through training, sharing of good practises and exchange of experience with the Swiss counterparts;
  • to develop a Swiss-Romanian training program on trauma for Romanian mental health practitioners;
  • to promote the Swiss-Romanian training program at national level and to deliver a pilot-course for the Romanian experts;

The training program  – accredited at national level by the Romanian College of Psychologists (Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Commission) – is the result of the cooperation between the mental health experts from Switzerland and Romania and it has been developed as a solution for the expertise disparities encountered by Romanian experts when working with vulnerable groups and traumatized people, as well as a response to the limited access to specific, practical and targeted training programs.

The pilot program was organized at the beginning of October 2016 and it included two courses – “Elements of Psycho-traumatology in the case of severe trauma (torture and other inhuman and degrading treatments)”, delivered by Dr. Radu Teodorescu, MD Psychiatrist and valued collaborator of ICAR Foundation and “Introduction in Emergency Psychology”, delivered by the renowned psychologist – Alfredo Camelo, psycho-social coordinator of Pluriels Association.

In the future, ICAR Foundation will continue the training program and will develop a network of experts, trained to work with the migrants and the refugees from Romania. We believe that the psychological interventions success can contribute to the improvement of overall health condition of migrants, which leads to a better integration in our society.

On this occasion, we are lunching a publication which is summarising the Swiss-Romanian transfer of expertise, giving guidance to professionals dealing with psycho-trauma, and offering some practical recommendations for psychotherapeutic intervention.

Useful resources:

You can also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/icarfoundation

For more details on the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme, please visit www.swiss-contribution.ro and http://www.swiss-contribution.ch/romania

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