With ICAR Foundation, 19 refugees have received emergency financial aid

December 14, 2015

This morning, the ICAR Foundation who supported 19 refugees from the Center for accommodation and procedures for asylum seekers in Bucharest received emergency financial support from the Romanian state. The 19 refugees were the subject of six social cases – three families and three individuals, each of the six cases being an aid of 500 lei annually.

The aid was distributed at an event hosted by the City hall from District 2, at the Social Services Complex St. Pantelimon.


Obtaining such aid, that is so important in the beginning of the winter, was made possible due to the involvement of the ICAR Foundation in the process of composing and submitting of the six cases (gathering of supporting documents, drafting petitions in Romanian and translation required information) through social counseling of the project “ICAR – Resources and Services Centre for Immigrants”.

Earlier this year, the ICAR Foundation has succeeded in getting emergency financial aid for single parent of asylum-seekers and for two parent families refugees, both from the shelter.

The success of the foundation’s efforts is especially important as steps to obtain these benefits by the lack of necessary documents for preparing files. Single-parent families of refugees or asylum seekers who arrive in Romania can come in conflict and may not be eligible for family support allowance, according to Law. 277/2010 because they can not present evidence from family structure in the country of origin (certificate of marriage, child custody decision etc.).

Read here full press release.

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