Open Registration For Our Pilot Training Program On Trauma

29 August 2016, Bucharest

Press release

ICAR Foundation announces the opening of enrollment for the training program on trauma – courses organised within the ‘Harmonisation in professional development standards in psycho-trauma intervention through Swiss-Romanian cooperation’ project, co-financed by a grant offered by Switzerland to Romania through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.

The training program targets mental health professionals, people working with migrants and refugees arrived in Romania, and people interested in the recovery of traumatised individuals.

Between 1st and 25th of September 2016, interested persons are invited to submit a short resume and a cover letter by email to Anca Bucur, psychologist ICAR at The list of selected persons will be published here ( and on our Facebook page.

We would like to remind you that our training program on trauma is the result of cooperation between Swiss and Romanian specialists in psycho-trauma, and aims to address the disparities in the mental health expertise of Romanian specialists working with vulnerable and traumatised groups, and their limited access to specific, practical and targeted professional training programs.

The training established by ICAR specialists in partnership with Swiss experts is the first trauma recovery training program for mental health professionals in Romania focused on migrants’ special needs, and obtained accreditation from the Romanian College of Psychologists.

The training program will be structured as follows:

  • 5-6th October 2016: ‘Elements of Psycho-traumatology in the case of severe trauma (torture and other inhuman and degrading treatments) – course delivered by Radu Teodorescu, MD at “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” Psychiatry Hospital,  the President of the Romanian Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, the President of the Romanian Association for Community Psychiatry.
  • 7-8th October 2016: ‘Introduction to Emergency Psychology’ – course delivered by psychologist Alfredo Camelo, coordinator of psycho-social activities of Pluriels-Psychotherapy and Cross-Cultural Studies Centre for Migrants (former coordinator of the Crisis Unit under the State Department of Human Resources in Geneva, expert trainer in emergency intervention psychology and management of humanitarian disasters under the auspices of the International Civil Defence Organisation, Switzerland, investigator mandated by Geneva to combat sexual and psychological harassment at work etc.).

Each course has 16 credits.

Schedule: 09.00 – 17.00

Avenue: 5, 6, 7th October 2016: Spațiul Public European (European Public Space), Street Vasile Lascar No. 31, Bucharest

Avenue: 8th October 2016: WeLoveDigital Unirii, Street Radu Voda No. 17, 5th Floor, Bucharest

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